LexisNexis Advanced Investigative Solution uses advanced sex offender search technology to identify and loate sexual predators. This solution provides advanced data analytics and visualization technology that enables law enforcement to quickly identify, locate and map addresses associated with both registered and non-compliant sex offenders as well as other addresses of investigative interest. Using advanced mapping technology, officials can also use this technology to quickly analyze the proximity of sex offenders to locations such as elementary schools and daycare centers. The LexisNexis Advanced Investigative Solution offers an easy-to-use mapping tool, the capability of dragging the mouse over a map on the icon to learn the name and address of a sex offender, data mapping layers to show the proximity to schools and daycare facilities. This solution integrartes LexisNexis public records with state-specific sexual offender data and other law enforcement datasets to facilitate the location and apprehension of sex offenders. Policy-based architecture incorporates privacy-enabling technology such as role-based access controls and audit trails.